alienspacecentereast's blog

Massive structures spotted in deep space

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on December 29, 2011

Massive structures spotted in deep space

Massive structures in deep space discovered by amateur astronomer and astrophotographer John Lenard Walson, is a case I have been following a couple of years now. There has been some articles suggesting he is a hoaxer, but I am still waiting for some real evidence that can point out clearly it is a hoax. That´s why I put up this blogpost about these historic spaceship footages (which must be the right term if these UFOs are real), that has been circling the Internet for some time.

John Lenard Walson is the man who apparently found a new way to extend the capabilities of his small telescope and has been able to achieve optical resolutions at almost the diffraction limit. His specially outfitted amateur telescope has filmed not only the International Space Station, but many unidentified flying objects in the sky, resembling stars and constellations, that are in fact huge structured objects orbiting Earth 2,5 lightyears away. They are following the stars and constellations on their travel around the zodiac with millions of miles per hour, as if they came from these star constellations heading for earth and just stopped 2,5 lightyears away. These massive structures in deep space are captured with a camcorder or still camera attached to a telescope.

See for your self in this video below uploaded by Andy Bell to youtube…

Did William Cooper mention these spaceships in 1989?

Is there anything that supports JLW´s discovery? Well maybe. William Cooper mentioned an event from 1953, where astronomers discovered large objects in space, which were moving towards the Earth. The astronomers first believed it was asteroids, but later concluded it had to be intelligent controlled spaceships. Then the objects reached the earth, they took a very high geosynchronous orbit around the equator, and this seem to support JLW´s discovery of large objects in orbit far away from Earth, following the star constellations movement through the zodiac, which means these UFOs are located in an equatorial orbit. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Hear William Cooper talk about this particular event, starting from here

If they are not ours, which I do not believe they are, you have to ask yourself who operates these massive spaceships? How could we ever build such enormous structures? The machinery created to build structures on a massive scale like this, would be incomprehensible for us. If these are manmade, they have been very clever to hide it from us. Actually, they had to do it somewhere else than Earth. And the technology, energy and propulsion systems implied to these ships, must be way ahead of us. It´s simply far beyond what we know here on earth…

In some of John Lenard Walson´s video footages, one of the structures seem to transform (see that in the attached video at 14:50). If that is an atmospheric phenomenon that is causing this, I don´t know, but the size of the structure taken into consideration, recalls something I would express as God-like, and lots of questions comes up to mind…

  • Who built these enormous structures?
  • How many of them exists out there?
  • How did they get there?
  • Why are they there?
  • Friend or foe..?

Well, I hope we some day will know what is up there.


Also see:

NightWatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record

The Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone

Martyn Stubbs and the NASA UFO Video Archieve

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on May 27, 2010

Martyn Stubbs and the NASA UFO Video Archieve

Martyn Stubbs

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO´s) described as spherical objects, are frequently visiting the NASA space shuttle orbiters on their missions, as curious observers. It seems they are controlled by some sort of intelligence. They often shift course and change speed and it´s all caught on film by the shuttle´s onboard CCTV cameras, and thanks to Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Video Archieve, we have over 2.500 hours of live video transmissions from STS-48 to STS-80 missions, with overwhelming evidence of another intelligence in space.

See Martyn Stubbs vs. NASA (Full Playlist) here.

Is it alien space probes observing mankinds activities, some kind of bio-electric terrestrial / extraterrestrial organisms sniffing around or just space debris? Well, we don´t know, but please remind you, that space debris don´t shift course and change speed, that´s for sure. It would be quite an amount of garbage flying uncontrolled around up there, if all objects caught on CCTV cameras was space junk. One may wonder why NASA didn´t see it comming and prepared for it. The possibility of a catastrophe in space, caused by the risk of down to milimeter small pieces penetrating the fuselage with thousands of miles per hour, would stop all shuttle missions immidiately.

Astronauts are getting used to the precense of UFO´s in space. Sometimes they just ignore them, sometimes they don´t, and we are lucky to hear some of their expressions about this on tape, thanks to Martyn Stubbs. Their employer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), ignores it completely, revealing nothing to the public. So while they are swarmed by strange spherical objects up there, they are going quiet down here and move along with their aeronautic program like nothing has happend…

See Martyn Stubbs video compilation below (extracts from DVD Secret NASA Transmissions – Smoking Gun).

Direct link to part 1

Direct link to part 2

Direct link to part 3

Direct link to part 4

To see above extracts and much more in highest quality, check out the film titled “Secret NASA Transmissions – Smoking Gun” in DVD or VHS format, and see evidence of the existence of not only one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial lifeforms. It´s historic footage and the story behind the new discoveries based on Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO video archieve. The groundbreaking 90 minutes film won an EBE Award and was the best film at the International UFO Congress Film Festival.

Key researchers of UFOs in space have joined forces

NASA UFO Footage (DVD)

Moon Rising (DVD)

Year 2000 is the date that will go down in history books as a defining moment in mankind’s search for extraterrestrial life. On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear to indicate the existence of, not one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial lifeforms or space phenomenas. Labeled “Phenomena One” (Spheres) and “Phenomena Two” (Dancing Lights in Space) by the man Martyn Stubbs, who dedicated a part of his life to download and record over thousands of hours of NASA video footage, and these remarkable images provides some concrete examples of life in interstellar space ever presented. Furthermore, two key researchers of UFOs in space joined forces to take up where Martyn Stubbs left. One of them, David Sereda, made his own analysis of the NASA UFO footage published in 2001 under the title “Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs“. The second, Chris Zimmerman, also made his own analyses of the NASA UFO footage published in 2007 under the title “NASA’s Unknowns“.

The STS-75 Tether Incident

Martyn Stubbs on Youtube is SECRETNASAMAN

The person behind the Youtube channel SECRETNASAMAN with over 240 NASA UFO videos on site, claims he is the real Martyn Stubbs, and he writes these words;

  • Martyn Stubbs is secretnasaman & these are videos produced, directed, edited or shot by me, Martyn Stubbs. All UFO clips are from my NASA UFO Archives, containing all downloaded video from mission STS-48 to STS-80, where I “discovered” all the NASA UFO video, including the STS-75 “tether” footage. I discovered all the NASA UFOs by video recording every NASA mission from STS-48 to STS-80. I had no idea I was the only person doing this! The STS-75 “tether breaks” video was first released by me on March 11, 2000. I streamed it to the world via a UK web sight. No ‘You Tube’ back then to do it!
  • The TBLN (The Borderlands Network) confirms that secretnasaman is Martyns Stubbs.

By the way, on TBLN, they write this;

Other websites mentioning Martyn Stubbs

Recommended DVD´s

NASA UFO Footage (DVD)

The Case for NASA UFOs (DVD) Secret NASA Transmissions: Martyn Stubbs Live At Leeds University (VHS) The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun, Complete 4 DVD Research Edition
Out Of The Blue
The Phoenix Incident
NASA UFO Footage
The Case for NASA UFOs
Secret NASA Transmissions: Martyn Stubbs Live At Leeds University (VHS) The Secret NASA Transmissions – The Smoking Gun
(4x DVD)

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