alienspacecentereast's blog

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on July 10, 2012

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood July 8, 2012 ~ a new UFO video on Youtube uploaded Jul 9, 2012, by youtube user WeDreamWeLiveWeLove, shows three lights comming in from the distance and one of the UFOs seem to stop not so far away from the people filming it. Then, after a moment, you start hearing helicopters closing in and then you actually see one of the helicopters investigating the UFO. This is a very intriguing video and I think it´s genuine footage. I don´t see anything in the video that points to a fake. This is just some innocent people enjoying the sudden surprise in the sky, and quite dramatic it is with helicopters investigating UFOs over Hollywood.


In the video below, which is the second part of the video above, you see (from the start in the video) the helicopter, apparently a LAPD Police Helicopter, moving very close to object A, and after that check out, the heli moves away from the UFO. What did the helicopter pilots see? Did they film or photograph it?


The UFOs are intelligent controlled

From the beginning of the video, you see 5 lights, a triangle formation high in the sky and two lights low in the sky. But let´s move to 0:48 in the video (part 1.), where you´ll see object A (see the screenshots below) moving up from behind a building in the horizon, and just continues to get closer and closer to the camera position. Around 2:15 in the video (part 1.), object A seem to stop and hover. The other two objects, object B and C, seem to stand their ground in the distance, while only object A seem to move over a greater distance. And there are some hints in the video, which I think indicates these objects are under intelligent control. By their behavior, those UFOs seem to represent an ability to hover and stand still in mid air, even with a helicopter right beside it. if you stand next to a helicopter in operation, you would also be able to feel the wind, and a chinese paper lantern would not be able to stand still and hover steady in the sky as object A can do, without being blown away by the turbulence created by the heli next to it. That was the first detail I noticed, the second detail is, that the three objects seem to keep a strict triangle formation with the same dimension in quite long time, actually several minutes, without breaking up. None of the three objects seem to move and change this dimension and size seen from the camera position. So, after my humble opinion, the unknown objects must be intelligent controlled in some way.

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood

Around 2:00 in the video, you begin to hear helicopter noise, and a helicopter are apparently closing in on object A. Around 2:55, you see the helicopter circleing object A. See the pictures below.

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood

Helicopters investigates UFOs over Hollywood


Eyewitness testimony – Exclusive interview

Meet the 5 guys behind the already famous Hollywood helicopter UFO video, see video below…


Is this a fraud?

Immediate, there is nothing in the video that indicates fraud. However, it should be possible with the right equipment to make a video like this, but it requires a coordinating with a helicopter, as you should have to fly around in circles around a certain point in the sky. I am no expert here, but I do not doubt that it can be done. And I became a little worried then I saw, that ThirdPhaseOfMoon had an exclusive interview with the five witnesses (video above) who filmed the UFOs over Hollywood. Well, I can not figure out the concept behind TPM, but to me, it does not seem to be a serious UFO channel, but more show and fiction. Back to the point, the question you have to ask is, if there is a connection between the five witnesses and TPM, and if all together made this UFO sighting up?

thirdphaseofmoon proposal

But when I put it all together, the recording, the talk, the drama, background sound, helicopters and the lights in the sky, I find the whole scenario very intense and real. And the fact, that TPM gets an interview with the witnesses, is not synonymous with fraud. Sorry TPM, I just can´t figure you out.

Lights in the sky

These UFO spheres, or just lights in the sky, are seen all over the world in an increasing number. They are seen in both small and big numbers, from the lonely triangle formation to hundreds of them, hovering or moving slowly over cities, and lucky enough, they are filmed by more and more people. Just the day before, on July 7, 2012 in Russia, Moscow, the same type of lights were also filmed, see the video below…


If those unidentified flying objects are terrestrial or extraterrestrial in origin, is another question…

See a complete list of articles here: Sitemap
See my other blog here: UFO pictures and photos

UFO fleet caught on photo over Denmark

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on June 4, 2012

UFO fleet caught on photo over Denmark – a whole UFO fleet was supposely caught on photo over Denmark 23. May 2012 at 1:18pm. The witnesses didn´t see anything while photographing, but some days after, then the photographer looked through the UFO pictures, a lot of unidentified flying objects caught his eye. In the four photos are both cigar-shaped objects and a lot of small white dots, supposely resembling small UFO spheres.

Link: UFO fleet photgraphed over Denmark?

See a complete list of articles here: Sitemap
See my other blog here: UFO pictures and photos

Battle of LA 1942 UFO footage a HOAX?

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on February 17, 2012

Battle of LA UFO footage a HOAX?

Battle of LA 1942 UFO Spheres animationI made a thread on the ATS website January 25, 2012 at 01:55 am, about the new discovered additional UFO spheres in the old Battle of LA UFO footage from 1942, which I think is genuine, but it turns out the old footage may be a hoax? But please read on! The user Arbitrageur posted this comment to the thread on page 1:
“Please provide proof this is footage from the Battle of LA in 1942. Who was the photographer? what is the source? Hint: you probably can’t, because there is no 1942 footage (film) that I know of”, and Arbitrageur is right in his statement, because it seems the only source to the supposed Battle of LA UFO footage, are José Escamilla, which supposely might have made an editing of the clip, to illustrate this UFO event, and then added the CBS radio coverage to the videoclip. So, based on that, the case is kind of weak and we have no solid authenticity of the old clip, if we don´t know for sure, what the source is.

Other comments to my thread you should notice

That image of a “UFO” in the spotlight beams is a fake and has been discussed many times before here on ATS. There was so much shrapnel and ammunition fire that night you could walk across the sky. There is no way something …..anything could have made it through all that fire without being hit. This video only shows shrapnel. They were firing from all over remember…not just one place. ~ webpirate

This thread should really be moved to the HOAX forum. What the OP claims is footage of the battle of LA, isn’t, therefore, HOAX! ~ Arbitrageur

-then Super Moderator comes in and shuts down the whole thread same day January 25, 2012 at 02:50 am, which is 55 minutes after I made the post. Of course, I had to swallow the info against my new discovery before I could respond to the comments, but I never made it before it was closed…

Asking a question on the ATS website

Multiple UFOs in a clusterSubsequently, I made another post three days after january 28, 2012, in another Battle of LA-thread on ATS, asking the question about the additional unidentified flying objects in the clip, if it really could be true, that the footage is a hoax, then there appears to be additional UFOs and a cluster of multiple small gray-black UFO spheres in the clip, that is nearly impossible to see or discover, when the clip is seen in normal speed? But it seems that I´ve been ignored for some reason and nobody have answered my questions so far?

My privledges on ATS website removed?

On february 16, 2012, I were about to make a new thread under the category “Aliens & UFOs” on the ATS website, but my privledges to post was removed with the notice “You are unable to post a new topic or reply to current posts, as your posting privledges have been removed.”.

So, I send them an email february 16, 2012, asking them why my priviledges was removed, but I never got a response and I don´t expect it anymore. I wonder why a “question” about a new interesting discovery can trigger a removal of the priviledges on ATS?

Weak HOAX theory

I think their hoax theory on ATS are as weak as the lack of knowledge about the source of the film. If you do not know what you are dealing with, how can you determine anything? You have to let it be as it is, until more info comes up, and as long you can not prove this old movie is real or not, nothing is settled. The claim that the Battle of LA footage from 1942 is a hoax, is therefore completely wrong, and I can not avoid having a suspicion, that the ATS people have some kind of agenda, that seeks to blur one of the largest UFO events in world history…

One should remember, that the military in a press release, claimed they had shot at a weather balloon, which is a very clear proof they hide the truth about the real incident. And I think it was the first time they used the term weatherballoon, and we all know when this terminology is used, it is generally to explain away a UFO event…

The source of the Battle of LA footage

I send an email to José Escamilla on february 18, 2012, asking him for more information about the source of the old Battle of LA UFO footage, and I will of course tell you here if I get a response from him…

And I was happy to see Jose Escamilla responded to my email already February 29, 2012, and I think it´s a very honest reply I got, let me quote him here:

The footage I have might have been taken at Fort MacArthur and it was sent to me on a reel that I purchased from a man in Florida, whose grandfather worked at one of the networks and the video contained moon ufo footage, still photos and this 6 second clip of this object with searchlights and artillery fire on it. We just don’t know if it’s the real thing, but as far as I’m concerned it could be as it looks old and I “certainly DID NOT HOAX” this in anyway. ~ Jose Escamilla


Also see:


The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects

The Roswell Legacy

Eyes Only: The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals

UFO/FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government’s Cover-Up

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record

Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs

UFO Spheres found in the old Battle of LA 1942 footage

Posted in UFO Phenomenon by alienspacecentereast on January 22, 2012

UFO Sphere seen in Battle of LA 1942 footageUFO Spheres found in the old Battle of LA 1942 footage – for the last 3 years or so, I have been wondering about these small dark UFO spheres in the old footage from Los Angeles February 25, 1942, known as the Battle of LA 1942, that seem to fly into the frame and stay there shortly a few frames, and then subsequent rushing out again and disapear. It has been right in our face all the time, but I think we all have ignored it in the belief, that it was artifacts in the film, blotches or remnants from the explosions, like fragments that lights up and darkens in a splitsecond. Fragments from the explosions, should not fly around for a while, as seen comming in from the top and stops, or comming in from the right and stops, hovers for a while, and then rush away out of the frame again. When you see this film at normal speed, the spheres looks like they could be artifacts in the old footage, until you slow down the speed.

And believe me, there is more UFOs or “artifacts” to be found in the old Battle of LA footage, that you do not see in my video above, which appears to be flying across, up and down, in close proximity to the hovering UFO in the searchlights. The small spheres are very active in the clip and I get this feeling, that they could be a kind of, or a part of, a protective shield against the barrage from the anti aircraft batteries, because why should they fly around there in all the explosions? The anti aircraft artillery was aiming at the invading craft, which took direct hit after hit, yet without damage? It just hovered there silently over a blacked out city early in the morning, while it moved very very slowly over Culver City and Santa Monica, LA.

In my second video above, I try to illustrate one of the spheres in motion that I found in three frames. In the images below, you can see how the object behaves. It first appears right beside the lightend up cloud in position 1, where it is hovering shortly. UFO Sphere in motion in Battle of LA 1942 footageThen it moves upwards in a 20 degree angle and stops in position 2, where it is hovering shortly. From position 2, it moves upwards again with a slightly lower angle and stops in position 3, where it is hovering shortly. Notice in the video above, when it moves between position 2 and 3, that the camera catches it´s motion, or something that looks like motion. When it moves, it seem to leave a streak, as if it was stretched out, exactly the effect you would expect when you shoot a photo of a car driving by fast. Based on that observation in the video, the object in position 2 and 3 seem to be the same. And it seem to have the ability to hover, move, stop and hover, which for me indicates an intelligent controlled object…

UFO Sphere in motion (pos. 1) in Battle of LA 1942 footage UFO Sphere in motion (pos. 2) in Battle of LA 1942 footage UFO Sphere in motion (pos. 3) in Battle of LA 1942 footage

Relative to the objects in the pictures above, which are relatively sharp, you can see the so-called “streak” in the picture below (as seen here), which is the frame between position 2 & 3 you don´t see above.

The "streak"...

When I scrutinize the picture of the “streak” further (see below), it does not look like a moving object with the typical stretched-out effect, but a collection of multiple objects. To me it looks like there are 3 smaller objects or more gathered closely together. The pictures below are magnified respectively 200%, 400% and 800%

Object streak or multiple objects together? Object streak or multiple objects together? Object streak or multiple objects together?

I have to bite myself in the arm, because I apparently find small spherical objects besides the large unidentified flying object in the searchlights. My little exploration here evolves in a direction I had not counted on, specially not with the last pictures right above. I have never read, seen or heard anything about additional objects in the old UFO film from Los Angeles 1942 ever before, and these images were quite easy to process.

Celestial devices found February 27, 1942?

A short research of the forum posts on ATS in relation to the Battle of LA incident, gave me an interesting discovery. I can´t verify if it´s true, but it´s an old top secret document from The White House, a memorandum for the chief of staff of the US army February 27, 1942 two days after the UFO incident over Los Angeles. In this document, you can read about some “celestial devices” that were found, and that they hoped they could “develop a super weapon of war and find practical uses for the atomic secrets” learned from these devices, read more here

One of the greatest documented UFO events ever

The UFO Battle over Los Angeles February 25, 1942 must be one of the greatest documented UFO events ever. 1500 rounds (or maybe more) of explosive shells was fired at the unknown craft (estimated to be around 100 feet long) by the american army, but they could not shoot it down and afterwards they claimed it was a weatherballoon they were shooting at. But don´t come and tell me, that the american army couldn´t shoot down a weatherballoon..!


Also see:


29,000 YEARS OF UFOs

The Roswell Legacy

UFO’s: 50 Years of Denial, Expanded Special Edition

UFO/FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government’s Cover-Up

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record

UFOs the Secret History : The Secret History